Friday, January 31, 2020

Chapter two - Mississippi schools Essay Example for Free

Chapter two Mississippi schools Essay The following literature focuses on how schools in the Mississippi School district and nationwide are implementing school improvement plans and closing the achievement gap. In School Improvement and Closing the Achievement Gap Report 2003-2004 the accountability of Mississippi Schools past and present is discussed (2004) and Craig Jerald, author of Dispelling the Myth discusses how nationwide high poverty, high minority schools have high achieving students (2001). Both reports will be discussed here. The researcher wanted to know how many high-poverty and high minority schools nationwide have high student performance. The study used the Education Trust Database to identify certain criteria. Over 4500 schools were analyzed. Each meeting the criteria set and performing well above the expectation (2001). Both papers discuss the achievement gap, more importantly they reported the areas of greatest improvement. The Achievement Gap Report (2004) focused on the Mississippi school districts. It gave an accountability report on those school districts that have been struggling, as well as providing a strategic outline to close the gap. Specific schools were used as models of for improving test scores. Dispelling the Myth (Jerald, 2001) focused on school districts nation wide. Although no reasons for poor school performance were given, the author did state that none of the schools were magnet schools. This report showed that most schools with high poverty, high minority students live in urban areas (2001). However, the more recently published Achievement Gap Report (2004) reported that some of the poorest schools are in rural areas. Dispelling the Myth (2001) looked at specific criteria for the study, whereas, the Achievement Gap Report (2004) did not. Both studies failed to look at specific schools and detail specific strategies used in improving the achievement gap. The Mississippi Achievement Gap Report (2004) plan made suggestions on how schools can improve, but a greater detail is needed to truly understand what each school did to improve scores. Model schools or a model program can be established based on greater research. Socioeconomic Influence Literature regarding reading programs was of most interest for this study. Several scientific journals addressed factors of low socioeconomic status and under achievement. The achievement gap found amongst low-income students was addressed in Education: The State We’re In (Donahue Griggs, 2003). Substantial information was given on the obstacles facing high-poverty youth today. Reading proficiency among elementary school students of low-income families are at a disadvantage (2003). When studying low-income fourth graders, the author found that in 2003, across the nation, only fifteen percent are proficient in reading. The authors also demonstrated that the majority of low-income students read about three grades behind non-poor students (2003). Proficiency differences among races were briefly discussed; Similar disparities exist between white students and students of color; 39% of white 4th graders can read at the proficient level compared to only 12 % of African-American students and 14% of Latinos. Overall, about three in ten fourth graders can read proficiently, and this in itself is cause for concern. (2003) Parental Involvement, Instructional Expenditures, Family Socioeconomic Attributes, and Student Achievement (Okpala, et al, 2001). Parental involvement is a commonly discussed approach to establishing higher student achievement. A study done in North Carolina was based on three factors; (a) Instructional supplies expenditures will affect academic achievement positively; (b) the SES of students in a given school, measured by the percentage of students that participate in free/reduced-price lunch programs, will affect student achievement negatively; and (c) parental involvement that is measured by parental volunteer hours per 100 students will influence student achievement positively. These factors were beneficial in understanding the SES influence on successful reading programs. These factors and the results of this particular study will be investigated further throughout this study. Implementing Change A very brief but informative piece, Evidence from Project Star About Class Size and Student Achievement (Folgers Breda, 1989) addressed three specific questions to ask oneself when considering changing programs. The three questions were; 1) How effective will the change be? 2) How much will it cost and 3) what are the problems of implementation? (1989) All three of these questions were found to be valuable when assessing existing programs, as well as when considering the necessary factors when looking to improve upon them. The Gallup Poll (1989 Survey) was reported to have an overwhelming approval from parents when asked about reducing class size. The problem with this strategy is that â€Å"reducing class size substantially is very costly† (1989). A widely researched program investigated during this study was the Accelerated Reader Program. One report (Melton, et. al. , 2004) demonstrated the uses and results of the AR program. By definition the Accelerated Readers program is â€Å"†¦a learning information system designed to heighten student interest in literature and to help teacher manage literature-based reading (McKnight, 1992). This study was particularly significant because it was conducted in two Jackson, Mississippi elementary schools. There has been extensive coverage of the AR program. A 2004 study compared the reading achievement growth of fifth graders following a year of participation in the AR program with other fifth graders who did not participate. The results demonstrated that students in the AR program actually scored significantly lower than non-participants. Although many studies show little to no benefits from the AR program, the program has provided a few guidelines; such guidelines include, 1) Engage students in large amount of reading practice with authentic material 2) students should read at their own individual reading level, and 3) student incentives such as ribbons or extra recess improves the odds of a students success. By using computer technology, teachers can use the AR program to assess students reading level and invite and motivate students to read material they find interesting (Vollands, et al. , 1999). Students are given a choice of books suited to their particular reading level. Random multiple choice tests are given to test students’ comprehension of the material. In a National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (Dept. of Education) evaluation, AR programs and other computerized reading programs were reviewed (Chenowith, 2001). The lack of research on evaluated programs ability to produce long-term gains in reading achievement caused the National Institute to determine the AR programs did not meet standards (2001). Common complaints of the AR program include, 1) when the program ended, participating students went back to reading less than before participating 2) the AR program limited the choice of books available to a student because certain books that were not accompanied by an AR test were not valid (Chenowith, 2001) and 3) AR encourages children to read for the wrong reasons, for example to win a prize (Carter, 1996). However, as Chenowith (2001) noted, many parents responded to the latter, that it did not matter why students read, as long as they were in fact reading. Topping and Paul (1999) found that with the proper educator training on the AR program, the odds of successful student achievement with the program will improve. Students already in at risk in reading before the AR program will gain positive results when AR is implemented (Vollands, Topping and Evans, 1999). â€Å"Many elementary schools have adopted programs which encourage authentic reading time and aid in the development of reading skills for life (Melton, et al. , 2004). However, little research has been conducted on individual, less costly programs (2004). When studying the effects of the AR program on African American students and white students in Mississippi, black students scored lower (2004).

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Asthma Essay -- Science Scientific Research Essays

Asthma Breathing is a vital process for every human. Normal breathing is practically effortless for most people, but those with asthma face a great challenge. During an asthma attack, breathing is hampered, making it difficult or even impossible for air to flow through the lungs. Asthma is an increasingly common problem, and has become the most common chronic childhood disease. At least 17 million Americans suffer from it(1), and although it can be fatal, it is usually not that severe(4). There is no cure for asthma, but with proper care, it can usually be controlled. As someone with Exercise Induced Asthma, I have personal experience with the topic. I have experienced most of the symptoms described in my research, tried many of the medicines, and have my asthma under control. This essay will first discuss the normal function of the lungs, and then proceed to explain how this is effected by asthma. The causes of the disease and the ways of controlling it will follow. Normal breathing is controlled by the lungs and the chest cavity. Airways are tubes with muscle that contracts and relaxes wrapped around them, and this accounts for the motion of the chest that is associated with breathing. The diaphragm, which is located underneath the rib cage, along with the intercostal muscles, or those in between the ribs, control the movement of the chest cavity(6). When these muscles contract, the chest expands, which lowers the pressure inside the lungs. Since air moves naturally from high to low pressure, the lungs are automatically inflated. In order to exhale, the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles relax, causing the chest cavity to become smaller. The decrease in volume causes the pressure in the lungs to go...⊂=32#1 4)Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Online,Taking Control 5)Children's Medical Center of UVA, How Attacks Happen 6)Marshall Brain's How Stuff Works Site, Lungs 7) Marshall Brain's How Stuff Works Site , Lungs Continued 8)American Lung Association, Five Asthma Medication Groups 9)National Jewish Medical and Research Center , Exercise Induced Asthma 10) Children’s Medical Center of UVA , Treating Asthma

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Business Communication Essay

1) Discuss the scope of business communication? a12 a11 State the principles of business communication? a12 Draw communication process? Discuss the importance of business communication ? s12 What are the principles of business communication? discuss any three of them ? s12 a11 Mention the ways of improving the effectiveness of communication ? a11 Discuss the characteristics of effective communication ? s11 Discuss the process of effective communication ? s11 Mention the 7e’s of business communication ? s11 2) discuss the types of communication ?a12 explain downward communication with advantages and disadvantages ?a12 Discuss the different situations for considering the written communication as an effective tools? a12 What are the merits of downward communication ? s12 define horizontal communication? briefly discuss the forms of horizontal communication?s12 s11 distinguish between oral communication and written communication ? s12 mention the different means of non-verbal communication with examples ? a11 briefly discuss the forms of upward communication ? a11 discuss the merits and demerits of written communication ? a11 State the demerits of oral communication ? s11 Discuss the merits of downward and upward communication ? s11 3) What are the barriers to communication ? a12 Write a memorandum asking the employees to use the canteen only during the fixed hour ? a12 Suppose you are a manager of ABC company , write a notice informing the employees about the change in office timings during the Ramadan ?a12 Draft a memorandum to the office staff emphasizing the need of observing punctuality and adhering to lunch hour ? s12 As a secretary of business club , DBA at permanent campus write a notice to arrange a monthly Executive Committee meeting ? s12 Briefly discuss the parts of a Business Letter with example and its specimen ? a11 s11 Suppose you are a manager of AB Bank Ltd. , CDA avenue. One of your officer , Mr. Abul Kalam has got a promotion as a senior officer, write a letter to congratulate him. A11Â  Define informal communication. discuss the four predictable pattern of informal communication network ? s11 What are the difference between the formal and informal communication ? s11 Briefly explain the different forms of non verbal communication ? s11 4) Why business letters is different from personal letters ? briefly discuss the guidelines for writing a social letters? A11 As a sales manager of Otobi Furniture Pvt. Ltd, write a letter of regret to one of your corporate clients by explaining the reasons of delay delivery of their ordered products . a12 Suppose one of your colleagues has been awarded as the best employee of your organization, draft a letter of congratulation to him . a12 As a sales manager of BSRM steel , write a letter of thanks to the purchase manager of Sanmar Properties Ltd for their large order ? s12 As a manager of Dhaka Bank Ltd Agrabad Branch , write a letter of appreciation to Mr Zakir Hossian – One of your sales executive for his outstanding performance to fulfill the target of bring tk 35 lac as a deposit. S12 Suppose you are a Sales Manager of Credit Card Division of EBL.. one of your sales executives has shown good sales performance by fulfilling his monthly target. Now write a letter of appreciation to recognize his well performance . s11 Short notes: a11 Process of business communication Formal group vs. informal group Grapevine Barriers of effective communication Sketch the types of business communication